Employee Portal

Involve employees in your organisation's daily activities

It's on the employee portal that everything happens! Information and processes flow in an integrated way, bringing people and organisation closer together.

Main Functionalities

Whatever module is implemented, the employee portal is available from the very beginning and is a cross-cutting component.

Portal management is performed by accessing a secured area. In this area it is possible to adjust settings and is where general HR functionalities are available, such as a dashboard with indicators of the organisation, employee registration management, organisational structure, functions and skills dictionaries.

1 (Demo)

News Feed

On employee portal, users with an authorised profile can publish announcements and send internal communications by e-mail.

Employees can interact and react to postings and leave comments.

News boards tell the company's story and internal communication becomes easier!

Cards and KPI's

Cards are displayed on the portal's homepage, which can be configured by the internal communication team.

These cards can show birthdays to come, KPIs linked to implemented processes/modules, or personalised messages/images with links.

This functionality allows to highlight which messages are most relevant at each moment and can be addressed to users with specific access profiles.

3 (Demo)
1 (Demo)

Tasks and Inbox

UPstanding is processes and tasks oriented.

Whenever an employee is called upon to work on a process, a task is created in the portal inbox.

The user can check their pending tasks and follow up at any time.

Organisational environment

Organisational feeling analysis is an important measurement tool.

HR can create customized questionnaires with a simple question, launched when the employee logs in, which is available for a time period.

Employees can only answer once during this period, but it is possible to launch the survey several times, in order to monitor the organisation's pulse over time.

3 (Demo)
1 (Demo)

Employee Record

Each employee can access his or her file by consulting personal information in an integrated manner.

If so defined, you can change your data making it more agile to update the employee's record.

Managers can browse employee records, although with limited access to information. All these permissions can be defined, field by field, by HR.

Organisational Structure

Organisational structure can be managed stand-alone in UPstanding, or can be synchronised with the ERP/Payroll system.

Regardless of how it is managed, employees can consult their team and the organisational structure, getting to know their organisation a little better.

Access to information is limited according to the user profile and their position in the organisational structure. Access to information is limited according to the user profile and their position in the organisation structure. Processes use the defined hierarchy to determine who are the approvers for each workflow released.

3 (Demo)
1 (Demo)

Job Description

Job description allows employees to learn more about their responsibilities, know-how and required skills.

It also provides an insight into what is required of an employee to progress in a career and achieve a certain job.

As an alternative to static and hard-to-read documents, UPstanding's job dictionary offers a more modern perspective on sharing information that is central to HR.


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